<aside> 🚨 The Founding100 is now full. We’re working as hard to make Visible available to as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Join our waitlist to get the latest updates → here


⚡️ What is Visible?

Visible is an activity tracking platform for illness, not fitness.

We’re building the first platform for invisible illness that helps you track your illness and manage your pacing.


😎 What is the Founding 100?

We’re very keen to be patient-led in everything we do. And that starts with building a small community of people with lived experience of invisible illness who can offer their feedback and guidance, so we can make Visible the best platform possible.

We’re calling this group the Founding 100.

🧑🏽‍🚀 Who is it for?

We’re looking for people living with invisible illnesses, specifically ME/CFS or Long Covid,* who are motivated to help us shape the Visible platform.

*We know there are many invisible illnesses, and we’ll aim to support as many as we can, as soon as we can.

🙏 What's expected of me?

🎁 What will I get in return?